All posts written on this page are from my own life experience. Solely to motivate and inspire others.

Let’s briefly touch on the topics in this post.
These are topics that can be elaborated a lot and that we can all experience differently!

It’s a question I’m often asked about and of course I can get tired too!
There is just a big difference whether it is mentally or physically tired – there is a huge difference.

I like to try things on myself mentally and physically to get to know myself better, good and bad.
I have experienced many things which have meant that I gradually know both what my psyche and body can do as well as what it does not benefit from and what I therefore no longer spend my energy on.

Know how little sleep I can get through the weekdays on and how it affects my body and my psyche if I do it for a longer period. Therefore, we must never underestimate how much sleep has to say for our mental and physical well-being! To say we sleep when we grow old is as crazy as to say we eat when we are hungry.

The better you know yourself mentally and physically, the easier it is to respect your needs.

Many of us know how much sleep is healthy, what food is good for our body and what physical activity can do for our body, but despite that, it is far from the majority of the population who choose to do it.

Why, some ask?
Well, it’s probably either because they don’t value or prioritize their own luck/life very highly (not enough to want to take the best possible care of themselves mentally and physically) or because they have no “good reason” to change that, because you don’t get money sleeping etc…
But are all conceivable reasons really just excuses for not wanting to take responsibility for one’s own best well-being?..

Just want to emphasize that there is nothing right and wrong when it comes to living our suitable life!
We choose ourselves and for that reason it is our own responsibility to take care of ourselves and to be able to feel good about the choices we make in order to live a life that we can stand to stand up to every day.
Shame I only became wiser about my own life by experiencing the contrast.

Are you one of those who feel downright tired, then the question is – Are you physically tired or is it mental fatigue?

You can free yourself from mental fatigue by consciously getting better at putting aside the things in your head that drain you.

Then there are perhaps some of you who want to say “Yes, yes, but I can’t because it’s part of my job, so it’s not possible!”

My answer will be – yes it is possible, it’s just a matter of HOW you let your thoughts fill. Thoughts are feelings and they are what can be felt on the body as fatigue. When there are a lot of them, they feel heavy and really tiring.
If the fatigue takes up a lot and has started to have consequences on family life or the well-being of your life in general, then the question is whether it is the right thing to work with – shouldn’t one’s work bring more joy than worries?

Our mindset, values and life history are very different and what can drain me mentally need not drain you and vice versa – it is our way of thinking and acting when we are tired that determines how much it is allowed to fill.

Our way of thinking is very decisive for how our life is.
If we think negatively all the time, we also feel irritated and a little angry all the time.
If we choose to find the good in even the most hopeless situations, it can feel liberating just to do something even if the result was not what we wanted.

Am I mentally tired and confirm to myself that I am tired by saying out loud that I am super tired! Then I just get a lot more tired! Conversely, I say out loud that I’m not tired, put cold water on my head, take 3 angel jumps (moving my body) and shift my focus to what needs to happen, then I’ve let go of the feeling of wanting to sleep further.

Don’t hear me say that I don’t listen to my body when it’s tired – because I do, shame on me.
Knows when I AM tired and when I can handle a little more before I need to sleep.

SLEEP is very important, so I haven’t had much of it and I can feel that I’m tired, so I like to lie down for 1 hour and relax knowing that it’s well spent in order to have new energy again when I wake up, even if I have to accomplish 1000 things before the day ends.

I get mentally tired much more often than I get physically tired, so it is important for me to stay physically active as it gives me new energy to move my body.

Where some people get more tired from being physically active, I often get healthier from it. Can do hard exercise and for that reason be tired and sore in my body when I get home, but my head is fresh.

Is of the belief that all our thoughts settle in our body and unless we consciously sit down and deal with them by e.g. acting on what we think of remembering, etc., so that it does not fill our head.
When you physically move your body simply by walking, you release some of the stuff that fills the body.

LOVE getting my heart rate up and moving my fitness.
Is it always something I want? No, definitely not and not at all if the weather is bad!
Do I do it anyway? If I have committed to it, just as I have to walk at least 8000 steps every day, then I will do it, even if I may have days when I have been so tired that I have walked with my eyes closed most of the trip.

Do it ONLY because I have learned that it does something positive for my mind to get out into nature every day, even if there is storm, frost, snow and rain.
All kinds of weather do something good for our mind. This is felt on the body and again here our mindset comes into play.
Are we grateful for the sun when it rains or are we grateful for the rain because we sweat when the sun is here?

Because it gives me the coolest feeling of well-being inside! If I feel both good and lighter inside when I have been physically active and that I have been involved in, it gives me more energy.
So my “why” I go even on the bad days is the “feeling of well-being” and the idea of getting closer to the physical goals I may have set for myself.
It takes patience and discipline, but it’s all worth it!


Whatever the answer may be, it does something more! MUCH MORE!! And see a “why” for everything you do in your life.
It’s your life, so why not make the most of it while you have it😉❤

/ Elena Nielsen

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